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Dienste installieren

2 replies to this topic


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Posted 27 June 2011 - 09:17

Hallo Profis,
ich habe mit meinem IS10.5 ein InstallScript Projekt gebaut, soweit alles iO., nur dass ich jetzt vor der Aufgabe stehe 2 Dienst mit installieren zu müssen. Könnt Ihr mir vllt. helfen kurz darzustellen wie ich dies umsetzen kann.
--> Dienste xy sollen installiert und ab sofort immer bei Win mit gestartet, sowie zukünftig immer automatisch mit gestartet werden!
Ein Link zu einem Tutorial wäre auch mögl. und top!
Vielen dank


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Posted 28 June 2011 - 09:15

ist dies vllt. der lösungansatz???
installiere erstmalig einen windows dienst mit meinem projekt

// Installs QEF as Windows service.
// This CA is deferred and used after InstallServices and SetInstallWindowsServiceData actions.
function InstallWindowsService(hMSI)
LIST lCustomActionData; // CA data list
STRING svServiceName, // QEF Windows service name
svDisplayName, // QEF Windows service display name
svDescription; // QEF Windows service description
STRING svCustomActionData, // CA data string
svBinDir, // Bin directory
svAccountType, // QEF Windows service account type
svLogin, // QEF Windws service login
svPassword, // QEF Windws service password
svStartupType, // QEF Windws service startup type
svStartAfterInstall; // QEF Windws service start after insttallation value
STRING svScriptFile, // script file in which the error occurred
svError, // error code for the error
svErrorMessage; // error message
NUMBER nvSize, // size of buffer used to get MSI properties
nResult, // result code
nAccountType, // QEF Windows service account type
nStartupType; // QEF Windws service startup type
NUMBER nvLineNumber, // line number in which the error occurred
nvError; // error code for the error
BOOL bStartAfterInstall; // QEF Windws service start after insttallation value
svServiceName = "QEF";
svDisplayName = "QualiWare Execution Framework";
svDescription = "Enables deployment of QualiWare modules, management of user and groups, security and licensing, logging and monitoring.";

// Check if QEF Windows service is already installed.
if(ServiceExistsService(svServiceName) = TRUE) then
MessageBox("Cannot install Windows Servcie, because Windows Service with name \"" + svServiceName + "\" already exists!", WARNING);

return NOTHING;

nvSize = 256;
nvError = -1;

// Get CA data as a string.
nResult = MsiGetProperty(hMSI, "CustomActionData", svCustomActionData, nvSize);
if(nResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) then
MessageBox("Cannot get CA data!", SEVERE);

// Convert CA data from string to list.
lCustomActionData = ListCreate(STRINGLIST);

if (StrGetTokens(lCustomActionData, svCustomActionData, ";") > 0) then
MessageBox ("Failed to get tokens from string!", SEVERE);

// Get Bin directory from CA data list.
nResult = ListGetFirstString(lCustomActionData, svBinDir);
if(nResult = -1) then
MessageBox("Cannot get Bin directory path!", SEVERE);

// Get QEF Windows service accoount type from CA data list.
nResult = ListGetNextString(lCustomActionData, svAccountType);
if(nResult = -1) then
MessageBox("Cannot get Windows service account type!", SEVERE);

// Get QEF Windows service login from CA data list.
nResult = ListGetNextString(lCustomActionData, svLogin);
if(nResult = -1) then
MessageBox("Cannot get Windows service login!", SEVERE);

// Get QEF Windows service password from CA data list.
nResult = ListGetNextString(lCustomActionData, svPassword);
if(nResult = -1) then
MessageBox("Cannot get Windows service password!", SEVERE);

// Get QEF Windows service startup type from CA data list.
nResult = ListGetNextString(lCustomActionData, svStartupType);
if(nResult = -1) then
MessageBox("Cannot get Windows service startup type!", SEVERE);

// Get QEF Windws service start after insttallation value from CA data list.
nResult = ListGetNextString(lCustomActionData, svStartAfterInstall);
if(nResult = -1) then
MessageBox("Cannot get Windows service start after install value!", SEVERE);

// Destroy CA data list.
ListDestroy (lCustomActionData);

// Convert QEF Windows service account type from string to integer.
StrToNum(nAccountType, svAccountType);

// Set QEF Windows service login and password if account type is set to user account.
if(nAccountType = 1) then
SERVICE_IS_PARAMS.lpServiceStartName = &svLogin;
SERVICE_IS_PARAMS.lpPassword = &svPassword;

// Convert QEF Windows service startup type from string to integer.
StrToNum(nStartupType, svStartupType);

// Set QEF Windows service startup type.
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:

// Convert QEF Windows service start after insttallation value from string to integer.
StrToNum(bStartAfterInstall, svStartAfterInstall);

nvError = ServiceAddService(svServiceName, svDisplayName, svDescription, svBinDir ^ "Qef.exe /RunAsService", bStartAfterInstall, "");
NumToStr(svError, nvError);
MessageBox("Exit code: " + svError, INFORMATION);
NumToStr(svError, ISERR_SUCCESS);
MessageBox("ISERR_SUCCESS code: " + svError, INFORMATION);
// Add QEF Windows service to the list of services to install.
if(nvError < ISERR_SUCCESS) then
svErrorMessage = "Windows sevice \"" + svServiceName + "\" cannot be installed!";
GetExtendedErrInfo(svScriptFile, nvLineNumber, nvError);
NumToStr(svError, nvError);
if(nvError = 1057) then // 1069 - wrong password
svErrorMessage = svErrorMessage + " The account name is invalid or does not exist!";
elseif(nvError = 1069) then
svErrorMessage = svErrorMessage + " The service did not start due to a logon failure!";
elseif(nvError = 2) then
svErrorMessage = "";
svErrorMessage = svErrorMessage + " Error code: " + svError;

MessageBox(svErrorMessage, WARNING);

Edited by tftools, 03 July 2011 - 18:54.

Stefan Krueger

Stefan Krueger


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Posted 05 July 2011 - 09:25

Das Code-Stück ist aus einem MSI-Projekt entnommen, aber grundsätzlich ist ServiceAddService schon mal die richtige Richtung (falls es diese Funktion schoin in IS 10.5 gab - andernfalls gibt es ähnliche Funktion als Codebeispiel hier auf InstallSite.org).