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Reboot issues

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Posted 19 April 2010 - 17:52

I created an MSI for internally developed code, and am pretty happy with how it works. The application includes a service and some parameters which need to be seen by other programs, so I included a reboot. The reboot works just fine, and provides the reboot with and without the UI. So far all is good.

I turned the MSI over to the Electronic Software Distribution (ESD) team, and they say my reboot doesn't work. Their process defers reboots until the end of the entire process, and they use this method with multiple vendor MSIs. They explained that the deferred reboot provides a special code (3010) so their system knows the reboot is needed. For my MSI, the reboot does not occur (good) but the deferred reboot code is not given (bad). The MSI exits with a standard 0 and no reboot occurs. I attached the verbose MSI log for reference.

I checked the ESD process and see that what they do is set REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS. I'm not sure what that is supposed to do, but whatever it does to other MSIs, it is doing more than that to mine. Other MSIs needing reboots respond with 3010, mine responds with 0. Is there a way to set an MSI to reboot where it will do nothing if REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS? Or maybe I need to ask the reverse question. What extra step do I need to make my reboot give the magical 3010 code?

Thanks in advance.


Attached Files

Edited by nvadnais, 19 April 2010 - 17:54.


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Posted 20 April 2010 - 12:00

My question would be, why do you need a reboot? Services can be started by an MSI without one. What are the "parameters" that need to be seen by other programs? If they're environment variables, they can be put into the User environment rather than the System environment, again obviating the need for a reboot.
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Stefan Krueger

Stefan Krueger


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Posted 22 April 2010 - 15:54

MSI (s) (F8:A0) [19:31:36:827]: Skipping action: ScheduleReboot (condition is false)

Apparently, a reboot isn't needed. So even without setting REBOOT=REALLYSUPPESS I guess that your setup will return 0 and not request a reboot.