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Using External files during Installation

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Marie Tupps

Marie Tupps
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Posted 01 July 2002 - 15:13

Our product is highly configurable. The user has the option of using the default SOURCE files included in the installation package or using their own customized SOURCE files.

My problem/question is this:

The the user chooses to use their own SOURCE files, points to the "SOURCE" location, the files are then copied to INSTALLDIR via XCopyFile(). Somewhere during the install process they press the CANCEL button on one of the dialogs.

After the CANCEL button is pressed, the confirm cancel dialog pops, and if they still choose to cancel, then I call one of my functions "CleanUpInstall" to make sure that everything is removed.

The PROBLEM I am having is that I cannot delete the directories that were created via XCopyFile(). I have tried everything I can think of. This includes, Enable(LOGGING) before the files are copied, DeleteFile() and DeleteDir().

I've even tried using the direct editor to create the directories just so that the installer/setup.exe would recognize them.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be most appreciated.

Please help
Marie Tupps


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Posted 06 March 2003 - 07:05

Have you tried deleting the contents of the directory and then deleteing the directory.

You might wana try this. Delete the contents of the directory by:  
DeleteDir( your directory name, ALLCONTENTS);