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Scripts and XML files (writing to them)

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Posted 24 June 2004 - 21:29

I'm creating an installation (Install Script project - not the MSI one) - and I'm wondering how I can do this:

During the install, ask the user to input an IP address - then have that IP address written into an xml file (that has information in it already).

I belive it can be done using the AskText, FileInsertLine or WriteLine functions (or whatever they are called), but I have no idea how to use those. I've read the help file, but it's jibberish to me. Can anyone explain in plain english or point me to a website for the severely newbies? Thanks in advance.


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Posted 25 June 2004 - 08:46

This is just straight coding with some text parsing and file write. It can certainly be done by Installscript. I found this link on installsite.org, maybe it gets you started:
-Stein Åsmul