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2 replies to this topic


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Posted 29 February 2008 - 17:40

How does one use the API MsiInstallProduct to remove a product if you only have the product code? I'd like to use MsiInstallProduct as opposed to shellexecuting msiexec to remove a product but MsiInstallProduct seems to only take the path to the .msi. Msiexec can take a product code to do the uninstall, how can I make MsiINstallProduct do the same?



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Posted 29 February 2008 - 19:48

So it looks like MSIConfigureProduct might be the one I'd want to use to uninstall a product given a product code. Trying this.


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Posted 03 March 2008 - 15:17

WI exposes a fairly decent object model. Refer here for details.
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