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Setting a Property with a VB Script

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Posted 03 April 2002 - 11:19


I have some VB code which detects if the PC is a laptop or not by using WMI to see if there's a battery installed on the PC.

I would like the VB Code to change a "Property" in the MSI so I can do....

IF Laptop = "TRUE" then
     Install Laptop components

IF Laptop = "False" THEN
     Install Desktop Components

Do you see what I'm trying to acomplish....
....is it possible and does anyone know how?

John Penford

Scott Williams

Scott Williams
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Posted 08 April 2002 - 18:25

It is very possible.  Every VBS CA that is called has a Session object available to it by default.  To set a property you would:

Session.Property("PROPNAME") = "Your value"

As for creating custom actions, there are several options available to you, I suggest you start with the SDK docs.

MSDN Platform SDK Documentation for Windows Installer.

There is a lot of info in there and it can be a bit overwhelming at times, but there is some good stuff there too.