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Creating a Password Dialog in a Basic MSI Project

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Posted 14 August 2003 - 10:52

I'm creating a Basic MSI using Developer 8 and I want to add a password dialog in it. So I've created a new dialog which has an Edit control on it called "PasswordEdit". The PasswordEdit control has it's Property set to PASSWORD.

I've noticed in the LicenseAgreement dialog that the Next push button has 2 Conditions. One to enable the Next push button when the AgreeToLicense property is "Yes" (i.e. when the I agree option button is selected) and the other to disable it when AgreeToLicense property isn't "Yes" (i.e. when the I don't agree option button is selected). I was hoping to set up a simular condition to enable the Next button in my Password dialog when the correct pasword had been entered and disabled it when an invalid password had been entered.

I've created the following conditions on the Next push command to only enable the Next button when "Car" has been entered in the PasswordEdit control, but it'll doesn't work.

Action | Condition
Disable | PASSWORD <> "Car"
Enable | PASSWORD = "Car"

I know there is an example that show you how to do it in an InstallScript MSI, but I want to keep it as a Basic MSI as the controls in a Basic MSI look like XP controls when you run it in XP.

How can I get this working please?

Thanks in advance

Stefan Krueger

Stefan Krueger


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Posted 14 August 2003 - 13:24

The password dialog uses radio buttons. Radio buttons send messages when you change the selection
An edit box doesn't send a message when the text changes. Therefore you cannot do this. All you can do is display an error message when the Next button is pressed and the password is wrong.