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Using MsiInstallProduct function

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Posted 07 February 2006 - 13:58


I am writing a code which launches msiexec process.
I wonder what is the best way, using MsiInstallProduct or CreateProcess.
Does MsiInstallProduct call the same functions & actions order in the MSI as it is called using CreateProcess function? Are there any familiar restrictions?
Please advice,

Appreciate your help. rolleyes.gif
Thanks in advance,

Stefan Krueger

Stefan Krueger


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Posted 07 February 2006 - 19:01

I believe there's no significant difference between calling msiexec.exe and calling MsiInstallProduct, but the latter may be more suitable if you want to wait for the complettion of the instalaltion.


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Posted 07 February 2006 - 20:23

Logging is different. To get logging, you must call MsiEnableLog() in advance, but I never got the parameters right: when adding all documented flags, the log files were (almost) empty, and when adding 0x0ffffffff, I get even more log enties than Msiexecs' verbose logs. Further, the promised "flush after every 20 lines" didn't work - I have no idea how Msiexec manages to do so.