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Msi error 1334

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Posted 13 May 2005 - 07:57

This is the result of my struggle on Error 1334. I got this message in the log file. I am using Wise for Windows Installer 6 to create my package.

The file 'BASPath.ini' cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in cabinet file 'cab.5'. This could indicate a network error, an error reading from the CD-ROM, or a problem with this package.

This is the background
Create an .msi and include a file, you can call it BasPath.ini. This file is unic for every bransch. We have one Base product and about 9 bransches. The file BasPath.ini keeps importend information for each bransch.

Make a transform and replase the BasPath.ini to the version for the bransch. (Drop the file in the transform and add the new one.)

Install, and you will enconter MSI error 1334.

What does this error try to tell me
Then I make an transform, there are some interneal cabinets created in the tabel Cabs. This cabs are the same as the components in the .msi. Every cab will therefore have a key. This error try to tell me, that it can not found the key in the Cab 5. I.E. the key of the component there BasPath.ini is the key can not be found.

To solwe this I hade to add a dummy file to my .msi and set the key on the dummy, then everything worked without any problems. If there is, say three ini-files, which needs to be changed it can be done by changing one file, set the key to the new file and when change the other files.

Is there any one else who have enconterd this problem? Do anone know of a better way to solwe this problem?

Paul Juhlin.
Hogia Administration AB


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Posted 13 May 2005 - 16:13

I suspect that your transform has an external cabinet file - the name of which can be found in the media table. This file is probably in the same folder as the transform. It should be in the same folder as the MSI in order to be located.

The only other explanation is that the sequence column of the file table is incorrect. Check the consistency between this column and the "LastSequence" column of the "Media" table.

By the way, removing the file and then adding it again may well generate a new component (and component code) - this may not be desireable.

Edited by mandy, 13 May 2005 - 16:15.


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Posted 19 May 2005 - 09:29

I have disussed this with the support from Wise and here are some points from them.

Please remove the BasPath totally from the .MST and then readd it. If you rebrowse to a new file for each transform, it may confuse the Windows Installer

Please try adding another file (like you did with the dummy file) to the component that holds the .INI files. Do this in the main .MSI. The file does not need to be a dummy, but can be a valid file in your installation moved from another component in your installation. Make it the keypath for that component.

I think that is the only way to solwe this problem.

