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ENGLISH : General



  1. About this Forum,
  2. InstallSite Newsfeed

About this forum

  • 335 topics
  • 113 replies

Miscellaneous Topics

  1. Multi Platform Installs,
  2. Microsoft Platform SDK,
  3. CD Browsers and Autorun,
  4. Other

Multi Platform (Java) Installs, CD Browsers and Autorun, Microsoft Platform SDK, other tools

  • 252 topics
  • 498 replies

InstallShield InstallScript projects (non-MSI)

  1. InstallShield Professional FAQ,
  2. "InstallScript" Projects in InstallShield X and above,
  3. InstallShield DevStudio 9 "InstallScript" Projects,
  4. InstallShield Professional 7,
  5. InstallShield Professional 6,
  6. InstallShield Professional 5,
  7. Special Topic : DosExecPgm Error

Questions about InstallScript projects created with InstallShield Premier and Professional (pure InstallScript projects only) or previous InstallShield products such as InstallShield X, DevStudio 9, or InstallShield Professional 5 - 7, incl. Visual Studio/Visual C++ editions of InstallShield.

  • 2,369 topics
  • 5,925 replies

InstallShield Suite Projects

Questions about project type "Suite Project" which is available in InstallShield Premier version 2012 and above.

  • 61 topics
  • 71 replies