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MSDE uninstall (remove) fails

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Posted 23 January 2002 - 02:28

I have used orca to modify the sample msde installer msi to create a customized msi to install a named instance of MSDE. For various reasons we want to keep the MSDE installation separate from our product install, so i don't think merge modules will work for me.
Anayway, I followed the instructions on the msdn page
'Managing Desktop Engine Installation Package Files'. This appears to work (at least on machines that do not have sql server sp1 installed). The server starts and i can connect to it, create databases, etc.
However, when i try to remove the MSDE installation -  it fails both if i use add/remove programs or i run msiexec /x using the msi file used for the installation.
The log file winds up with 3400 lines,


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Posted 23 January 2002 - 03:12

oops - hit <CR> too soon - i chose to invoke msiexec as described in installshield knowledge base document Q104221 'Launch Another Installation or Uninstallation from within an Installation'. The install appears to work, but the uninstall does not.

There are some lines in the log file like:
MSI (s) (20:F0): Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Features\3C3B59EA19576DA4AB84301D944F7B59 3: 2
is the UNKNOWN in this message a problem?

has anyone else tried using a customized msi file instead of merge modules?