Toggle ENGLISH : General ENGLISH : General
Non-TechnicalAbout this forum |
Miscellaneous TopicsMulti Platform (Java) Installs, CD Browsers and Autorun, Microsoft Platform SDK, other tools |
InstallShield InstallScript projects (non-MSI)
Questions about InstallScript projects created with InstallShield Premier and Professional (pure InstallScript projects only) or previous InstallShield products such as InstallShield X, DevStudio 9, or InstallShield Professional 5 - 7, incl. Visual Studio/Visual C++ editions of InstallShield. |
InstallShield Suite ProjectsQuestions about project type "Suite Project" which is available in InstallShield Premier version 2012 and above. |
Toggle ENGLISH : Windows Installer (MSI) ENGLISH : Windows Installer (MSI)
Vendor neutral MSI topics
General Windows Installer questions that are not related to a specific tool or vendor. |
InstallShield specific MSI topics
Questions about Flexera Software's Windows Installer (MSI) tools, such as the current versions of InstallShield Premier, Professional and Express, as well as previous versions like InstallShield X, DevStudio, Developer, etc. Also for questions about AdminStudio. Don't post pure InstallScript questions here. |
Toggle GERMAN : Allgemein GERMAN : Allgemein
Nicht-technischÜber dieses Forum |
InstallShield InstallScript Themen (ohne MSI)
Fragen zum Projekttyp "InstallScript" in InstallSield Premier und Professional (reine InstallScript-Projekte) sowie in früheren InstallShield-Produkten wie InstallShield X, DevStudio 9 und Professional 5 - 7, einschließlich der Visual Studio/Visual C++ Editionen von InstallShield. |
SonstigesAndere Programme, wie InstallShield Express 2.x, PackageForTheWeb, Programme von anderen Herstellern, und allgemeine Fragen wie CD Autorun etc. |
Toggle GERMAN : Windows Installer (MSI) GERMAN : Windows Installer (MSI)
Hersteller-unabhängige MSI-ThemenFragen zu Windows Installer, die sich nicht auf Produkte von InstallShield beziehen. |
InstallShield MSI Themen
Fragen zu den Windows Installer (MSI) Produkten von Flexera Software, insbesondere die aktuellen Versionen von InstallShield Premier, Professional und Express, sowie früheren Versionen wie z.B. InstallShield X, DevStudio, Developer usw. Auch für Fragen zu AdminStudio. (Keine Fragen zu reinen InstallScript-Projekten). |