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Registering assemblies without using custom action

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Posted 16 July 2007 - 16:05


I currently have a .NET 2 assembly which is going to be distributed as part of our next software release. As it needs to be registered for interop I run regasm /regfile to get the registry entries that I then import into my install.

However, it also contains InterfaceIDs which regasm doesn't output when used with /regfile (see http://msdn2.microso...yw6(VS.80).aspx for more info).

The only way I can currently see of doing this step is to have a custom action in my install that calls regasm /tlb on the dll, but if possible I would live to avoid this step.

I feel like there must be a way and I'm missing something obvious, any help is appreciated.


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Posted 18 July 2007 - 11:01

I'm being a muppet - The correct way of doing it is to include the tlb as a seperate file in the install, and extract the registry entries at build time and include them with the tlb component.