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Patterns Discussion

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Posted 23 May 2008 - 20:41

I've been playing with DTF a lot lately and I see a need for higher level abstractions. The first one that I was thinking about was dealing with ListBoxes.

For example, when a setup developer is dealing with listboxes he just needs to be able to Add, Insert, Move, Remove, Sort, Enumerate the list of items for a given property. Sometimes he might be dealing with multiple listboxes to get around certain MSI UI limitations such as seen in Stefan Krueger's Ice Cream example.

But what the developer doesn't want to have to deal with is the complexity of interacting with the SQL needed to drive the MSI database.

So first I'd like to ask, what are you requirements for dealing with listboxes? Then I'd like to start to put together a class diagram / interfaces needed to accomplish and then finally implement everything.

Hopefully we can get really good community involvement and submit the code to Jason for inclusion in future versions of DTF.

Christopher Painter, MCSE
Author of:
MSI Factory Provider for ADO.NET 2.0 (Work In Progress)
99 Bottles Of Beer - Windows Installer

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Posted 28 January 2012 - 19:32

Since you have access to full power of .NET from WIX DTF you always should be able to have some pop-up window with complex controls.

What I am currently not sure of - should we have MSI user interface at all with all it's drawbacks and so on in case of the complex configuration scenarios. Maybe replace it when needed completely?..