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vs2005 setup project and Vista

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Posted 16 November 2007 - 21:30

Hello All,

I'm trying to create a deployment project from vs2005 to install on Vista. I want a standard, non administrative user to be able to install it without having to submit an admin password. So, I have my test setup project set to install a single file. I've signed both the MSI, the file to be installed and the setup.exe. I'm installing to "c:\program files\appname\"

When a standard user on Vista tries to install the setup.exe, he gets prompted right away for admin credentials. When a standard user on Vista tries to install the .msi, we get into the first few dialog boxes of the installer. After clicking "confirm", we get prompted for admin credentials. What should I be doing to allow a standard user to install something without having to have an admin password.


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Posted 16 November 2007 - 21:48

PS, I'm signing the MSI with the signtool.exe supplied in the platform sdk. So if I right click on the .msi, theres a "Digital Signatures" tab with proper info. I notice when I edit my .msi in orca that there is a "msidigitalsignature" property that is blank. Is there something I should be doing with that?

Stefan Krueger

Stefan Krueger


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Posted 17 November 2007 - 11:23

Please see my reply at http://forum.install...showtopic=17423

Please avoid cross posting.