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Serial Number Validation in an MSI

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Posted 11 November 2004 - 17:54


I've created a Basic MSI using DevStudio 9.0, but I want it to only install if the user inserts a valid serial number. I've read bits and pieces about how to do this using your own DLL to validate the Serial Number, but none of them make sense. Can someone please walk me through the steps on how to do this.

Thanks for you help

Stefan Krueger

Stefan Krueger


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Posted 11 November 2004 - 18:21

Basically you call a DLL and pass in (in a property) what the user has entered as serial number. The DLL check if the number is valid, and then sets another property to indicate success or failure. Your setup continues only if the proeprty is set to success.
Of course this is a weak method, as anyone with MSI knowledge could simply remove the check and set the property to success always. Therefore you should also check the serial number in your application.


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Posted 12 November 2004 - 14:57

Can you please walk me through the steps on how to do it. What I need to click, what I need to type, etc. and can I use an ActiveX DLL?

Also I'm actually building it as a Setup.exe. Is that more secure than a standard MSI?

Thank you

Stefan Krueger

Stefan Krueger


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Posted 13 November 2004 - 15:00

You cannot use AcxtiveX, you need a "real" DLL that can export a function.
A setup.exe is only slightly more secure. But of course it depends on your customer base.