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Books about Windows Installer
Reviews and discussions about books like Bob Baker's "Getting Started with InstallShield Developer and Windows Installer Setups" or Mike Gunderloy's "VB/VBA Developer's Guide to the Windows Installer"
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Boot during the installationStarted by guyjoules , 19 Jan 2008 |
Introduction to MsiexecStarted by sarfu , 29 May 2007 |
The Definitive Guide to Windows InstallerStarted by Glytzhkof , 25 May 2004 |
Looking for MSI bookStarted by mishka , 08 Jun 2005 |
beginner's questionStarted by kaiduan , 08 Feb 2004 |
Windows Installer Service couldn't be accessed.Started by newnewbies , 02 Feb 2004 |
Whats this new Bob Baker book like then?Started by Dave I , 29 May 2002 |
how to create a web folder with msi?Started by Pandora , 24 Nov 2003 |
Windows File ProtectionStarted by MacGowan , 11 Jul 2003 |
can't view the readme fileStarted by Sujitk , 09 Sep 2002 |
Are there any books that deal with InstallScript?Started by Jay , 28 Oct 2002 |
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