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Shared or Not ?

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Posted 06 March 2006 - 08:17

I can make a Component Shared on Not Shared.

1. Should I make all components in my project Shared?
2. Or only those Components should be shared that will be included in other setups also?

What is the prefered or recomended way, in a MSI setup?

  ankur tyagi

Stefan Krueger

Stefan Krueger


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Posted 06 March 2006 - 17:17

MSI will automatzically handle shared components (if you follow the component rules, i.e. use the same ComponentID GUID for identical components) for all MSI based setups. That setting is only necessary for compatibility with non-MSI setups. So for any file that might also be installed by a non-MSI setup in the same location you should set the Shared flag to yes. Setting it to yes for all files won't hurt, but it will create unneccessary SharedFile registry entries.