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Upgrade yourself?

2 replies to this topic

Gareth at Serif

Gareth at Serif
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Posted 28 December 2006 - 18:07

Hi guys,

I've been collared by Vista logo testing again! It seems that you have to include the Upgrade property for the current package in it's own Upgrade table. I'm happy to do this since my tests show that this actually makes no difference to the behaviour of the package - running the install after it's been installed still directs me towards the Maintenance welcome dialog rather than invoking an upgrade of itself.

On the otherhand, it'd have been really nice if it upgraded an older version of itself (same ProductCode, different ProductVersion) but I still got the "This program is already installed, go to ARP" type message before the install aborted. And so doesn't reach the FindRelatedPrograms action, of course.

Can anyone shed some light as to the purpose of including your self in your own upgrade table?

Many thanks,


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Posted 02 January 2007 - 06:14

As far as I know the Upgrade table is only used for major upgrades. If you keep the same product code you got yourself a minor (or small) upgrade, and the Upgrade table should be irrelevant.
-Stein Åsmul

Stefan Krueger

Stefan Krueger


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Posted 04 January 2007 - 12:57

Can anyone shed some light as to the purpose of including your self in your own upgrade table?

As Stein said, this has no effect for small and minor updates. It makes sense for Major Upgrades however.