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Multi-install with MSI

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Posted 05 October 2005 - 12:24

I the new Windows installer, it's possible to create a multi-instance for installing one setup several times.

I just want install in the first time (with parameter AAA), and in shortcut, i want <Program name> "AAA" and in "Add/remove panel" <Program name> "AAA" whith remove button.

And if i launch in the second time, add new parameter like BBB, and in shortcut, i want <Program name> "BBB" and in "Add/remove panel" <Program name> "BBB" whith remove button.

It's possible in Installscript pure mode but the multi-instance is not available directly in Installshield interface of i not found this.

It's really impossible or i don't have solution or option for this ?

Thank you.


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Posted 05 October 2005 - 20:49

It's impossible. Every MSI has a so-called Package code, when Windows Installer starts it just looks up the package code on your system, if it exists you will run a maintenance setup.

Rethink your design, maybe every 'instance' can be a feature?


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Posted 06 October 2005 - 07:54

Ok, also i used Installscript and this work correctly.