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Split one large MSI into small msi

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Posted 21 August 2008 - 13:29

Are there any tools available that split a MSI into small msi files depending on the features that I want to install.

Say, my installer gives me 5 features to install and I need only 3. Is there a way to break the MSI which has files for all 5 features into a smaller MSI which has files only for the 3 features I need?

One way I can think of is by building the features into different cabs and a light weight MSI. So, I can use only the cabs that I need and the MSI. The downside of this is I need to know which cabs correspond to which feature and choose the right ones.

I would like to know if there are any other ways.

Any help would be of great use. Thanks!


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Posted 21 August 2008 - 13:52

If you use InstallShield you can include features based on build flags - you can define different builds with different flags.

I wouldn't recommend your approach though: make sure that you think through all scenarios for upgrading, patching etc.