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Vendor neutral MSI topics

General Windows Installer questions that are not related to a specific tool or vendor.


MSI Best Practices

Post your recommendations for best practices in creating Windows Installer setups, or request advice about designing your setup.

  • 82 topics
  • 142 replies

End User Interface

Creating and modifying dialogs, bitmaps, etc. that will be displayed during runtime of your setup

  • 469 topics
  • 1,234 replies

Custom Actions

DLLs, VB Script, InstallScript, temporary files, scheduling of CAs, rollback and uninstall

  • 915 topics
  • 2,560 replies

Deployment Tools Foundation (DTF)

Using the DTF to create custom actions in .NET languages.

  • 6 topics
  • 10 replies

Merge Modules

Availablility, bugs, how-to, user created and vendor supplied modules

  • 318 topics
  • 769 replies

Features and Components

Install levels, conditions

  • 388 topics
  • 1,104 replies

Runtime Errors

Error messages that are displayed when your setup is executed on test machines or end user machines

  • 305 topics
  • 740 replies

Updates and Patches

Creating and applying updates and patches with Windows Installer technology

  • 624 topics
  • 1,784 replies

General MSI

Windows Installer questions that don't fit in any of the other groups

  • 1,590 topics
  • 4,237 replies

Books about Windows Installer

Reviews and discussions about books like Bob Baker's "Getting Started with InstallShield Developer and Windows Installer Setups" or Mike Gunderloy's "VB/VBA Developer's Guide to the Windows Installer"

  • 11 topics
  • 33 replies