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Operating System language detection

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Gareth at Serif

Gareth at Serif
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Posted 22 October 2007 - 17:13

Does anyone know hoe to determin the language of the operating system?

I'm aware that the MSI Engine stores the locale, which you can configure in the control panel. However, there must be something deeper as some of Microsoft's KB updates (xmllite & WIC, for example) seem to fail if the OS is of the wrong language above and beyoond the user configurable options within the Control Panel.

So, what might these packages be detecting? I've tried using regmon to determin any locale ID's being read somewhere that I'm not familiar with, but so far no joy.

Any recommendations are welcom.


Stefan Krueger

Stefan Krueger


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Posted 24 October 2007 - 14:17

Did you try the SystemLanguageID