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Best practices

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Posted 22 February 2005 - 08:31

Hi All ,

Can we reapckage windows component like windows media player or IIS?
I think we should not reapckage any windows component since they are the part of Windows OS.

If you can provide me a technicle document stating that we should not reapckage any windows component then it will be really helpful.



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Posted 26 February 2005 - 14:07

You should definitely avoid repackaging windows component that are delivered as windows installer packages.

If your repackaging tool is not too good, you can risk having all the windows installer information added to the system even if windows installer is not used to install the files, this is because the windows installer database is stored in the system registry, and is hence monitored by snapshot tools. Even worse: if you capture a windows installer package, and then reconvert it to an MSI package using your repackaging tool you could end up with duplicate GUIDS for files and product code. Very nasty.
-Stein Åsmul


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Posted 18 June 2005 - 13:05

Finally: if you repackage Microsoft patches and installers you may violate the support agreement terms of any maintenance contract you have with Microsoft and hence be left with a windows installation that Microsoft will refuse to support.
-Stein Åsmul