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multiple CE cab files

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Posted 27 July 2001 - 21:07

I have inserted multiple cab files in a component and each cab file is associated to a different processor for a Windows CE procket pc.  when I try to load that component onto my pc it kicks off the ceappmgr.exe which tries to load all the cab files onto the device that is connected.  This causes warning messages to appear saying that the cab file not associated to the device connected cannot be loaded.  This doesn't cause an error in the load, but it does look sloppy.

Any help would be appreciated, I would like to hear what other programmers have tried so that if there is not work around for this problem, I could get different ideas of how to accomplish this task.



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Posted 27 July 2001 - 21:35

Rename the files to something else other than *.cab.  Then after placing them, rename the one(s) that you want to be loaded to *.cab.

Why are you putting all cab files on the os...do you plan on moving them later to another os or what?  Why not put them in different file groups with different os filters and then only the ones for that os are installed.


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Posted 30 July 2001 - 20:03

With some help I have figured out what I have done wrong,  I was creating multiple CE object under one component, I assumed that each CE object created is a different .cab file.  This is not the case, in the section where you are to include which files to install,  you must include all files of the different processors and you will be able to specify what processor is associated to the file that was included.  If multiple files with different processors are included in the CE object, then multiple .cab files are built -- this is where I got messed up. And this is how the ceappmgr.exe distinguishes what cab file is loaded.

If more explaination is needed feel free to reply to this post.
