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Chaining Installers with a reboot

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Gareth at Serif

Gareth at Serif
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Posted 01 March 2011 - 17:17

Hi there... I've created my own bootstrapper that is able to read a series of MSI paths from an ini file in order to appropriately launch a series of installers in a defined sequence.

On very clean machines the package I'd like to come first can create a reboot request on the system, but I have overcome this by adding the REBOOT property set to ReallySupress in a transform that is aplied to all but the last package. In my experience this does the right job for all packages, and then on the last one I allow the reboot if it was earlier set to do so - as far as I can tell this works beautifully.

However, I have found on another forum that setting REBOOT in this way stops subsequent MSI's from running until the reboot request has been satisfied:

Has anyone have any experience of this, perhaps particular versions of Windows Installer are affected?

Cheers, G

Stefan Krueger

Stefan Krueger


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Posted 02 March 2011 - 18:38

I think it depends on how the msi is authored. Beginning with MSI 4 there a property called MsiSystemRebootPending which can be used in a LanuchCondition to detect a pending reboot and prevent the install.

Note that supressing reboots can be dangerous if multiple of your setups try to update the same locked file but with different versions. In this case the last setup wins, not the highest version.